16 March 2022
The 50 best wine hotels in the world - Club Oenologique
The 50 best wine hotels in the world From 5-star boltholes in historic Old World regions to boutique stays in and around fledgling vineyards, discover Club Oenologique's selection of the world’s best wine hotels in 2022 Words by Club Oenologique Editors We’re offering the ultimate travel inspiration for wine lovers: Club Oenologique’s guide to the best wine hotels in the...

27 January 2022
How NZ wineries are achieving eco-friendly and carbon neutral status
NZ Herald By Jo Burzynska Click here to read the full article. Carbon-zero accreditation requires companies to measure and reduce their total carbon emissions. This is independently audited, then any remaining emissions offset, often through purchasing carbon credits. However, at The Landing in the Bay of Islands, Toitū carbon-zero certification was achieved not by buying credits, but through the bushland on the 400haproperty....

02 November 2021
Canvas 2021 Wine Awards
The great Canvas 'cheers to the year' awards: The best of the best wines of 2021. The Landing Chardonnay 2019 was featured as the best Chardonnay in the Canvas Awards. The Landing, Bay of Islands, Chardonnay 2019 ($48) 5 stars. Reviewed by Yvonne Lorkin Made by Ben Byrne, the most famous chardonician (new word) in all of Northland, this wine has...

21 October 2021
The Landing Announces Vaccination Mandate
The Landing announces vaccination mandate for guests, visitors and team members. The Landing has announced a new vaccination policy to help protect guests and visitors from Covid-19. The policy requires all guests and visitors at The Landing to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and to present proof of vaccination on arrival. In addition, The Landing team members and all contractors...

01 September 2021
World Of Wine Winter 2021
World of Wine By Cameron Douglas. Interview with Ben Byrne, The Landing, Northland What inspired you to become a winemaker?Straight out of Bay of Islands College, wine seemed like a ticket totravel and go surfing. I went to Lincoln for three years and then straightto Margaret River. Over time the wave addiction made way for a wineobsession, but I still...

05 August 2021
We’re officially Carbonzero
We’re officially Carbonzero! The natural environment is the foundation for the beautiful wines we produce, and we’re committed to treating it with care and respect. This year, we’ve worked with leading New Zealand carbon certification body Toitū Envirocare to quantify all greenhouse gas emissions at The Landing. Now we’re proud to say The Landing's operations have been certified carbonzero. But...