10 September 2019
Celebrating New Zealand Wine's Bicentenary
We’re proudly hosting a celebration for the 200th anniversary of wine-growing in New Zealand. Two centuries ago, on 25 September 1819, the Reverend Samuel Marsden planted the first grapevines in New Zealand beside the famous Stone Store in Kerikeri, Bay of Islands. It’s not known what varietal the vines were, though Syrah, a dark-skinned, full-bodied variety that does well in...

26 July 2019
Congratulations to The Landing's Jake Dromgool
The Landing Wines’ Jake Dromgool is headed to the Bayer Young Viticulturist of the Year Awards for the second year running. The Bayer Young Viticultural of the Year competition is a challenging nationwide competition that pits young horticultural specialists against each other in a series of tests. Last year, Jake Dromgool of The Landing Wines’, won the Northland final and...

26 June 2019
A Great Time At Winetopia
Our third year at the annual wine event gave us the chance to meet old friends and make new ones. The annual Winetopia fair’s Auckland edition was held on from 14-15 June at Shed 10, and The Landing Wines were there with a stall at the event for the third year in a row. We were one of two Northland...

12 April 2019
A Bumper Summer Harvest
The 2019 summer grape harvest at The Landing is shaping up to be a record one. Over the 2018/19 summer, New Zealand’s Far North has enjoyed a very dry and warm set of weather conditions that have been ideal for growing grapes. Coupled with our maturing grapevines and a lot of work by the vineyard team, it has resulted in an outstanding...

18 December 2018
News From The Landing Vineyard
It’s been a wet spring and looks like a long warm summer – which means strong vine growth this year. The Landing grapevines have joined the Christmas rush, with rapid growth throughout the vineyard. All eight varieties are growing strongly, which requires intensive teamwork and attention to keep them healthy by selectively removing by hand the larger leaves which shade...